motorcycle accidents

If you’re a motorcycle rider, it’s crucial to understand motorcycle accident causes and how to navigate a personal injury claim if you have been in one. Motorcyclists are more exposed than auto drivers, making them at a significantly higher risk of injury or death in a crash. In Maine, motorcycles are involved in 11% of all traffic fatalities, despite being far less common than cars. Nationally, motorcyclists are 24 times more likely per mile traveled to die in a crash, and four times more likely to be injured compared to people in cars. Despite the risks, you can still win a claim if another driver’s negligence caused the accident, even if you weren’t wearing a helmet. That being said, it’s always advisable to wear a helmet for your safety. 

Common Motorcycle Accident Causes

These are some of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents:

  1. A car driver does not see a motorcycle while making a left turn. Car drivers may be careless, impaired, distracted, or otherwise not paying enough attention to what is happening around them to notice a motorcycle nearby. As the more vulnerable party in a potential accident, you should be aware of what other vehicles are doing and try to anticipate when cars may be about to make left turns.
  2. A car changes lanes in front of a motorcycle. This is similar to a car making a left turn and not seeing the motorcycle. In this situation, too, you should look for signs to anticipate that someone may be about to make a lane change. Also, stay out of other drivers’ blind spots.
  3. A head-on collision with another vehicle. Head-on crashes are extremely dangerous for motorcycle riders. Be especially alert on single-lane roads for vehicles that may be passing.
  4. Going around a corner too fast. If you take a corner too quickly, you can lose control of your bike. Don’t push your luck – take corners at a reasonable speed.
  5. Skidding on gravel, sand, debris, leaves, or puddles. Always be aware of the road conditions and don’t drive so fast that you don’t have time to safely react to unexpected objects on the road. 
  6. Hitting a fixed object. While collisions with cars are usually the car driver’s fault, when a motorcycle hits a fixed object, it’s usually the biker’s fault. To avoid this common accident, ride at a reasonable speed and be aware of your surroundings. 

Immediate Steps at the Scene

  1. Ensure Safety and Call for Help: The first priority after a motorcycle accident is to ensure safety. If possible, move out of traffic to prevent further accidents. Immediately call 911 to report the accident and request medical assistance for anyone injured.
  2. Seek Medical Attention: Don’t be a hero. After a collision, it’s important to seek medical treatment, especially if responders suggest you get checked out. Some injuries, such as concussions or internal bleeding, may not be immediately apparent.
  3. Document the Scene: If you are able, take photographs of the accident scene, your injuries, your motorcycle, and any other vehicles involved. Documenting the scene is crucial for your personal injury claim.
  4. Exchange Information: Obtain contact and insurance information from the other driver. Also, gather contact information from any witnesses. Their statements can be vital in proving negligence.
  5. File a Police Report: Ensure that the police file an accident report. This document will be essential for your insurance claim and any legal proceedings.

While you can minimize your risk, you can’t eliminate it entirely. Even the most skilled and cautious riders can fall victim to negligent drivers. Knowing what steps to take after a motorcycle accident is crucial for your safety and legal protection.

Contact the Motor Vehicle Accident Attorneys at Garmey Law

Navigating a personal injury claim after a motorcycle accident can be complex and overwhelming. Having an experienced personal injury attorney by your side can alleviate much of the stress and ensure that you receive the compensation you are entitled to. If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle accident, contact our law firm today for a free consultation. We are committed to fighting for your rights and helping you through every step of the process.The motorcycle accident lawyers at Garmey Law have won verdicts as high as $2 million for motorcycle riders who were injured in accidents. Contact us for a free consultation by our award-winning legal team.