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Although not widely publicized, negligence in health care is one of the leading causes of death and injury in Maine and across the United States. Technological advancements and stringent regulations have indeed brought improvements to patient safety in recent years. However, when humans are involved, there will always be a risk of mistakes. Recently, a man in another state was awarded almost $8 million from a lawsuit he filed against a medical facility after alleged medical staff negligence left him permanently injured.

According to the lawsuit, the man injured his back while moving freight, for which he visited the facility. Allegedly, the staff did not appropriately recognize his back injury but instead had him move around and participate in tests. The man claimed that because the medical staff did not restrict his movements, his back injury worsened.

It is claimed that the consistent movement resulted in a herniated disc in the plaintiff’s spine, and he eventually got to a point where he could no longer stand. Due to medical staff negligence, the man became paralyzed from the waist down, the lawsuit claimed. Reports say the jury deliberated for almost nine hours and decided to award the plaintiff $7.9 million for his pain and suffering.

Although errors and negligence can happen in all walks of life, when negligence occurs during a medical procedure or the treatment of an injury, the consequences can be life-altering for the patient. Families in Maine affected by medical malpractice may be entitled to take action and file a lawsuit. A successful lawsuit could result in substantial compensation to help recover any financial losses. If you think you could be entitled to compensation, please contact our personal injury attorneys at Garmey Law today.