If you are part of a motor vehicle accident, you know how important it is to receive immediate medical attention. You also know that your insurance company will be a big part of the process, so you bring them into the equation as soon as possible. Making a car insurance claim is easier said than done. While you can sit back and let your agent take control of the process, this isn’t typically in your best interest. Here’s why: Your insurance company is looking out for itself, not worrying about whether or not you get what is owed to you. This is a harsh reality, but something you need to keep in mind during this difficult time of your life. Car insurance claim mistakes are a real possibility, so keep a close eye on the process.
Here are several car insurance claim mistakes that you never want to make:
- Giving a written or recorded statement before you understand your policy, legal rights, and extent of your injuries
- Accepting the first estimate of losses you receive, with the hope that your company is being fair with you
- Signing a release or waiver of any kind before learning what it means and how it impacts you from a legal perspective
- Accepting a check for final payment before you know if this is something you want to do
- Waiting too long to file a claim, as your policy has time limits associated with it
- Overlooking the fact that your car insurance policy is a contract, meaning that your insurer has to abide by the terms and conditions
You will have a lot to contend with after a car accident, so it’s easy to lose track of what you should and shouldn’t be doing. Like many, you’ll do whatever you can to make your problems go away so you can move on with your life. Unfortunately, this approach can hold you back from obtaining the compensation you deserve.
As you learn more about your policy and legal rights, it’ll become clear that you may need to negotiate with your insurance company to get the full compensation to which you are entitled. It can take more time to get what you deserve, but it’s better than letting your insurance company off the hook.